Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Nothing to post about

Hi! Does this week seem boring to you? It has been a slow week for me, even though I only have three days of school this week :) I am going to CCD tonight-YAY!!! It is like Youth Group. I didn't do a Strange fact Sunday post-SORRY!! We were getting back from a trip and I was really tired. I am getting a new haircut on Friday-I'll keep you posted!!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


I was tagged by Isabel to share a funny story so here it is!
Funny Story: When I was little, I used to take game pieces from SORRY and would march them around my room. I would sometimes also take M and M's and make them into a choir and sing!

I tag
See ya!

New look!

Hi! I want to hear your HONEST opinion on my new look. Please comment, vote on my poll, or comment on my CBOX. I won't be hurt if you don't like it! Thanks!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Strange fact Sunday

Here is a post for Isabel, who says she has been bored.
Strange fact Sunday
#1 Square watermelons are grown in Tokyo
#2 A man was bitten by a snake that had been preserved in a bottle with a cork top, which allowed the snake to breathe
#3Can you raed this- Apratneply it dsone't mtaetr waht oderr the ltetres in a word are, the olny tihng is taht the fisrt and lsat ltetre be in the rhigt palce. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can stlil raed it whituot a porblem. Tihs is bacesue the hamun mnid deos not raed evrey ltetre by itlesf, but the wrod as a wolhe.
#4One issue of the New York Times containd more information than the average person in the 16Th century would have read throughout their entire life.
That's it! I got these facts form Ripleys Believe it or not Curioddities Seriously wierd. Check it out!


Hello everyone! I have drawn the name of the winner! The winner is.....


T color=#000000>Congradulations Hannah!
Sorry to those of you who didn't win! Maybe next time. Hannah, I will need your email address. I will not publish that comment. Thanks!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Last day to enter!!!

Hi! I wanted to say that today is the last day to enter my giveaway. The only people who are entered are Isabel and Natalie. Please enter!!

Friday, September 18, 2009

A post for Max

Here he is sleeping
Here he is annoyed thatI am following him around with a camera. He never growls or bites, though.

Here he is as a puppy.
Funny story: Max weighed too much so the vet put him on a diet. A mont later, we came back and they weighed him. He weighed 98 pounds! He gained weight!
Funny story: This one isn't about Max, it's about Anya. Sorry Max. When we first got Anya, she was so small, we had to make a hole in her collar so it would fit! She was TINY!
That's it for now. :D

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Hi! I am having a giveaway! It started earlier, but I think most of you didnt' see it becuz only one person has enterd. Please enter. Scroll down to see the pics!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Happy late Birthday!

Hi guys! My mom pointed out a very good fact- yesterday was Anya's B-Day! She is two years old. Happy Birthday Anya!!!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Thank you!

Thanks to all of you who are commenting and visiting my blog!
Here it is:
Susan (Caroline's mom)
My mom
Sarah Grace
Thanks you guys! If I missed you, I am so sorry! Please leave me a comment so I can write your name in this post. Thanks!

Sunday, September 13, 2009


Hi everyone! I thought it was about time that I do a giveaway. The giveaway is a stenographers notebook with a cover and an awesome pen! My mom made the cover. Here are the rules:
1. You must have a parent's permission
2.You will have to tell me your email address
3.You can only enter once
4. You need to comment on my comment box. Please do not leave entries any other way. For your privacy, I will not publish a comment with an email address.
Thanks for entering! I will be drawing the winner in one week!

Sunday, September 6, 2009


More! Here are the dogs. At the end they are shown when we got them.


Flip Flops/room pics

Hi everyone! I have decided to post some more pics. The 1st part is of my room.Sorry, I couldn't figure out how to rotate them.

This one is of my memory board and my cool wall name!!!

Here is my "entertainment area" and my bookshelf

This is my study area. This is my favorite part. Here is my closet. Nothing special.

flip flops
I made these red ones today
Here is a side view.

I made these with balloons These were made with a boa hot-glued to blue
flip flops
Hope you enjoyed it! If you liked the flip-flops, make some too! They are really easy and inexpensive to make. You may want to wait until next summer, though. Thanks for reading!
Hi guys! Sorry I haven't posted anythig interesting lately. i caught the flu. :( Here is a quiz.

My Quiz
1) How many dogs do I have?

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Friday, September 4, 2009


Hi everyone! Sorry I haven't posted in a while. My class was on a retreat this week and now I am not feeling too well.... anyways, sorry. I wish that I had pictures, but I didn't take them on a digital camera. My family and I are planning to go to a Rockies Game this weekend so I might get some more pics! Hope you all enjoy your labor day weekend! Have fun!


The famous Anya

The famous Anya
Anya gives me this look every time she is annoyed. She doesn't know this but it makes her look really cute!!!

Young Anya

Young Anya
This is Anya the first day we got her. She was cute and calm.....just like now...Ha and LOL!