Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Hi everyone! Sorry, its been a while... I have had lots of basketball games and practices and was sick last week. Itsnowed again! I wasn't as excited this time. Oh well... You should read my blog list because I added a TON!! Make sure to visit my siter;s blog. Its www.maiseisnook@blogspot.com We had a game to day at five. I scored a point (YAY) and we won our first game!!! A team won others, but wewere still happy. BTW- I mean A team not as in a certain team. I got these cute pajama pants- they have penguins on them!!!! I got them at Khols for twelve dollars!! Actually, my Mom bought them. Well, that's all I have to say!!

Monday, November 9, 2009

New Blog

Hi! Sorry, but it has been a busy week. We had two games last week!!! Last Sunday was my B-day! Sorry I didn't post, it was really busy. My sis, Maisie, started a blog. It's www.maisiesnook.blogspot.com Check it out! Also, please keep adding prayer requests!!!
Please check out my Mom's post below! Thanks!

Sister Shoebox Swap - Noel

This is a post from Sara's mom, Sheila. Since I do not have a blog myself, Sara has been gracious enough to let me post an entry regarding a shoebox swap I participated in hosted by Monica of The Homespun Heart and Carrie of With All that I've Been Given. Thank you Sara! Please bear with me as this is my first blog post!

The theme of the swap was Noel. My swap partner was Agnes. I had had a particularly bad week - I came down with shingles (no fun!), but still had regular work and mom duties. So I was so very happy when Friday came. Fridays are my days off, and my kids attend a 4-day a week school, so they are off on Fridays as well. We had NO plans - sometimes that is such a blessing! In addition, we were experiencing a few days of 70 degree weather in Colorado in November! It was already a good day, but then I went to the mailbox and my shoebox had arrived! As I opened the box and examined what Agnes had sent, I felt so blessed by the thought and care she had put into the items she included. She really thought about me, and included items that I can both use and enjoy. My two daughters agreed to model some of the items for me.

A backpack for trips to the gym. The really cool thing about this backpack is that it's also perfect for our summer bike rides. We frequently ride to the next town (about 8 miles over) and have a snack there and come back home. I need something small that I can use for a little cash and a couple other items, and this will be perfect because I can wear it while riding! (Special thanks for our lovely model Sara, my 13 year old daughter.)

I love these Christmas bells! (This lovely model is my 9-year-old daughter, Maisie.)

Next up, some St. Nicholas cookies. One bite, and they said 'Yum!'.

I truly love the framed Noel, and the little bell candle is just the cutest thing!

Some lovely writing paper, shower gel, angel ornament (special!), and a pattern for sewing. I enjoy sewing when I get the chance. As my kids get older, I'm having more time to do it, and it's been so nice to be able to resume an old hobby.

And I saved a special item for last. Agnes included items and a history for making a King's cake. This will be a special activity to enjoy with my girls.

Thank you Agnes, for this wonderful gift. I appreciate your time and thoughtfulness so much. Thank you, Monica and Carrie, for hosting!

Saturday, October 31, 2009


Hi guys! How's it going? I haven't been on blogger much lately... I have been out and about. Anyways-today my Mom made this awesome pizza! It was called spider web pizza!it kinda looks like the picture above. But it was different too. unfortunately, the toppings slid off- but it was still good. The picture below is late, and you can't see it very well, but that was my new haircut. It is slightly longer now- it grows FAST! Make sure to keep adding prayer requests!

Thursday, October 29, 2009


Hi! Guess what? Today we had a snow day!! It was really pretty. Here are the pictures my Mom took.

This picture is where Anya ran around in circles! She was really excited for snow. The snow started Tuesday night and is still falling. The longest it ever stopped was about two hours!

The snow sort of blurred this pic but I still think it is pretty!

That is our backyard.
See ya!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

50th Post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is my 50th Post!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have been waiting a long time to do this! Wow my blog has changed a lot too! Well, thanks for reading!
P.s. Strange Fact Sunday is below!

Strange Fact Sunday

It's time for that time of week! No, it's not church, no it's not poop pick-up day, and no, it's not gondala practice- wow, you guys aren't very good guessers! It's
#1The dot over the letter "i" is called a tittle.
#2On average, 12 newborns will be given to the wrong parents daily!(That explains a few mysteries....)
#3There are no words in the dictionary that rhyme with orange,purple and silver.
#4If one places a tiny amount of liquor on a scorpion, it willinstantly go mad and sting itself to death.
#5The original name for butterfly was flutterby.
#6The glue on Israeli postage is certified kosher.
#7The Guinness Book of Records holds the record for being the bookmost often stolen from public libraries.
#8It is impossible to lick your elbow. Try it!
#9111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321
#10Weatherman Willard Scott was the first Ronald McDonald.
I got these facts from http://www.robinsweb.com/humor/strange_things.html

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Prayer List

I was thinking that it would be cool to start a prayer list! So if you have a prayer request, contact me through cbox or comments and I will put it on my sidebar. Thanks!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Strange Fact Sunday

So here are the facts:
#1American Roy Sullivan has been struck by lighting a record seven times.
#2Over 4 million cars in Brazil are now running on gasohol instead of petrol. Gasohol is a fuel made from sugar cane.
#3Elephants spend 23 hours a day eating.
#4One golden poison-dart frog could kill up to 1500 people with its poison.
#5The average person spends about five years of their life EATING!!!
#6The world's largest palace has 1788 rooms. It was built for the Sultan of Brunei.
#7It is impossible to sneeze with your eyes open. Try it!
#8In Ancient Rome only important people wore purple clothes. This is because the purple dye came from a particular kind of shellfish and was very expensive.
#9Would you like to live here?Beaver (Oklahoma, USA)I have been there and it is an awsome town!!!
#10 Sharks can sense a drop of blood from 2.5 miles away. They can detect one part of blood in 100 million parts of water.
Tehre tehy are! hree are the fctas. Hpoe you ejnoy my blog!
P.S.- I got these facts from-www.thatsweird.net

Monday, October 12, 2009

Favorite Childhood memory

I thought it would be cool to tell our favorite childhood memory! So here is mine:
I think my favorite childhood memory is when my whole family went down to have Thanksgiving Dinner with my Mom's side of the family.
I want to start another tag, because I thought it was fun so I tag

Thanks for reading!

Sunday, October 11, 2009


I found this quiz on several blogs and thought it looked cool!!!

1.Were you named after anyone? uh... not sure

2.When was the last time you cried? Rather not answer

3.Do you like your handwriting? NO!!!!

4.What is your favorite lunch meat? Mesquite Turkey

5.Do you have kids? Thankfully, NO!!!!

6.If you were another person, would you be friends with you? Maybe...

7.Do you use sarcasm a lot? No... okay YEAH!!!!

8.Do you still have your tonsils? Yes- they're HUGE!!!!

9.Would you bungee jump? YES!

10.What is your favorite cereal? hmmm.. Oh's

11.Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? nope

12.Do you think you are strong? To me, yes. To a sumo wrestler, I am a wimp

13.What is your favorite Ice Cream? Peanut Butter fudge

14.What is the first thing you notice about a person? If they are shy or not.

15.Red or Pink? Pink

16.What is your favorite thing about yourself? My sense of humor

17.Who do you miss the most? All my friends that I will never see again.

18.What is the thing you need to work on the most? My sensitivity towards others.

19.What color shoes are you wearing? They are really tan with these long things on the end that I painted. Yet, I don't have sarcasm!!!

20.What is the last thing you ate? Peanut butter Crackers

21.What are you listening to right now? Nothingness

22.If you were a crayon, what color would you be? black, because no one can ever seem to find me

23.Favorite Smells? Mint and Roses

24.Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? Dawn

25.Mountain Hideaway or Beach house? Beach House because I live in the mountains!!

26.Favorite Sport to watch? Baseball

27. Hair Color? Brown with light streaks

28. Eye Color? Light blue

29. Do you wear contacts? Yes

30.Favorite Food? Pizza

31. Scary Movie or Happy ending? SCARY MOVIE

32. Last movie you watched? Twitches Too

33. What shirt are you wearing? A OrthoDawg shirt. It has a Bulldog with braces on it!!

34.Summer or Winter? SUMMER!!!!

35. Hugs or Kisses? Depends on the person

36. Favorite Desert? Anything chocolate

37. Strength training or Cardio? Cardio
To Isabel: Strength training is things like weights, while cardio literally means heart, so running and stuff.

38. Computer or Television? Computer because you can watch T.V. online!!

39. What book are you reading right now? Pay Back by Melody Carlson

40.What is on your mousepad? My mouse

42. Favorite Sound? Rain

43. Rolling Stones or Beatles? HUH????

44. What is the farthes you have been from home? Florida

45. Do you have a special talent? No... JK! I can play the piano, make differnt food, ETC

46. Where were you born? Oklahoma

47. Where are you living right now? Colorado

48. What color is your house? Tan

49.What color is your car? My parent's cars are red

50. Do you like answering 50 question? Sort of..
See ya!

Strange Fact Sunday

It's Strange Fact Sunday again!
#1 A single snowstorm produced 4.8 meters of snow!!!!
#2 80% of the world's fresh water is made of either ice or snow
#3 A single snowstorm can drop 40 million tons of snow, carrying the energy equivalent to 120 atom bombs.
#4 Denver CO was buried under 21.3 inches of snow, 19.4 inches of which fell in 24 hours. The heavy wet snow snapped trees and wires causing seven million dollars damage.
#5 Snow is not white, is actually clear/transparent.
#6 The snow in Antarctica is mostly so hard and flat that it reflects sound as well as light.
#7Snow is technically a mineral, like iron and salt.
I got these facts from
Thanks for reading!!!!

Friday, October 9, 2009


Hopefully you guys have visited it, but I wanted you to know about my other blog with my BFF Chris. It's www.chrisandsara4ever.blogspot.com Come and visit it!! We need some more people. Thanks!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Strange Fact Sunday

Here is Strange Fact Sunday #2! Sorry I missed last week!!
#1 A man has spotted a PINK DOLPHIN!!! Click HERE too see
#2A place in Minnesota has the quietest room ever!! It measure negative 9.4 decibels!!!
#3It snows on Mars
#4There is a day dedicated to Impossible to Open Packages!!
For tsohe of you who rsed my lsat psot, you can raed tihs. tknhs for rdaenig!!!

Thank You!!!

Thank you for helping me with my service project!! I really appreciate it!! I will remember this when you need help too! Thanks!!

Saturday, October 3, 2009


I just realized after looking at Puppy Lover that I have to survey 30 people!!!! I really need your help. Do you mind filling out this survey?
1.Are you a male or female?
2.What age group are you in
a- o-10
e-50 or above
3. have you had shingles before
4. Have you had the chicken pox before?
5.What symptoms did you have? If you didn't have any, put none.
6. With shingles, did you have one sore or many. if you haven't had shingles, please put none
7.Did you get the vaccination?
8.Do you know anyone who has had shingles?
Thank you so much!!! I really appreciate it!! Please visit Puppy Lover to help her too.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Nothing to post about

Hi! Does this week seem boring to you? It has been a slow week for me, even though I only have three days of school this week :) I am going to CCD tonight-YAY!!! It is like Youth Group. I didn't do a Strange fact Sunday post-SORRY!! We were getting back from a trip and I was really tired. I am getting a new haircut on Friday-I'll keep you posted!!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


I was tagged by Isabel to share a funny story so here it is!
Funny Story: When I was little, I used to take game pieces from SORRY and would march them around my room. I would sometimes also take M and M's and make them into a choir and sing!

I tag
See ya!

New look!

Hi! I want to hear your HONEST opinion on my new look. Please comment, vote on my poll, or comment on my CBOX. I won't be hurt if you don't like it! Thanks!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Strange fact Sunday

Here is a post for Isabel, who says she has been bored.
Strange fact Sunday
#1 Square watermelons are grown in Tokyo
#2 A man was bitten by a snake that had been preserved in a bottle with a cork top, which allowed the snake to breathe
#3Can you raed this- Apratneply it dsone't mtaetr waht oderr the ltetres in a word are, the olny tihng is taht the fisrt and lsat ltetre be in the rhigt palce. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can stlil raed it whituot a porblem. Tihs is bacesue the hamun mnid deos not raed evrey ltetre by itlesf, but the wrod as a wolhe.
#4One issue of the New York Times containd more information than the average person in the 16Th century would have read throughout their entire life.
That's it! I got these facts form Ripleys Believe it or not Curioddities Seriously wierd. Check it out!


Hello everyone! I have drawn the name of the winner! The winner is.....


T color=#000000>Congradulations Hannah!
Sorry to those of you who didn't win! Maybe next time. Hannah, I will need your email address. I will not publish that comment. Thanks!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Last day to enter!!!

Hi! I wanted to say that today is the last day to enter my giveaway. The only people who are entered are Isabel and Natalie. Please enter!!

Friday, September 18, 2009

A post for Max

Here he is sleeping
Here he is annoyed thatI am following him around with a camera. He never growls or bites, though.

Here he is as a puppy.
Funny story: Max weighed too much so the vet put him on a diet. A mont later, we came back and they weighed him. He weighed 98 pounds! He gained weight!
Funny story: This one isn't about Max, it's about Anya. Sorry Max. When we first got Anya, she was so small, we had to make a hole in her collar so it would fit! She was TINY!
That's it for now. :D

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Hi! I am having a giveaway! It started earlier, but I think most of you didnt' see it becuz only one person has enterd. Please enter. Scroll down to see the pics!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Happy late Birthday!

Hi guys! My mom pointed out a very good fact- yesterday was Anya's B-Day! She is two years old. Happy Birthday Anya!!!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Thank you!

Thanks to all of you who are commenting and visiting my blog!
Here it is:
Susan (Caroline's mom)
My mom
Sarah Grace
Thanks you guys! If I missed you, I am so sorry! Please leave me a comment so I can write your name in this post. Thanks!

Sunday, September 13, 2009


Hi everyone! I thought it was about time that I do a giveaway. The giveaway is a stenographers notebook with a cover and an awesome pen! My mom made the cover. Here are the rules:
1. You must have a parent's permission
2.You will have to tell me your email address
3.You can only enter once
4. You need to comment on my comment box. Please do not leave entries any other way. For your privacy, I will not publish a comment with an email address.
Thanks for entering! I will be drawing the winner in one week!

Sunday, September 6, 2009


More! Here are the dogs. At the end they are shown when we got them.


Flip Flops/room pics

Hi everyone! I have decided to post some more pics. The 1st part is of my room.Sorry, I couldn't figure out how to rotate them.

This one is of my memory board and my cool wall name!!!

Here is my "entertainment area" and my bookshelf

This is my study area. This is my favorite part. Here is my closet. Nothing special.

flip flops
I made these red ones today
Here is a side view.

I made these with balloons These were made with a boa hot-glued to blue
flip flops
Hope you enjoyed it! If you liked the flip-flops, make some too! They are really easy and inexpensive to make. You may want to wait until next summer, though. Thanks for reading!
Hi guys! Sorry I haven't posted anythig interesting lately. i caught the flu. :( Here is a quiz.

My Quiz
1) How many dogs do I have?

Powered By:


Friday, September 4, 2009


Hi everyone! Sorry I haven't posted in a while. My class was on a retreat this week and now I am not feeling too well.... anyways, sorry. I wish that I had pictures, but I didn't take them on a digital camera. My family and I are planning to go to a Rockies Game this weekend so I might get some more pics! Hope you all enjoy your labor day weekend! Have fun!


Monday, August 24, 2009

Rocky Mountain National Park/ Faith Day

Hi everyone! MY family and I went to two special things this weekend. We went to the mountains and to Faith Day. Faith day is when the Rockies, the professional baseball player for Colorado, play a game and after a guest, which this year happened to be Mercy Me will preform. Here are the pics!

The Ducks got so close!

Can you see the tree that fell on the road?

Wonderful view!

I am on the left, my sister is in the middle, and my dad is on the right.

Great view from our seats. and we were on the third floor!

Me and my sis.


That's all the pics! Hope you enjoyed them!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Favorite Bible Verses and sayings

Hello everybody! I have been very busy with school this week, as most of you probably are. So, my apologies for not posting. I like to do things on blogs such as quizzes so I have several things that you can do today. Here they are:

What is your favorite Bible Verse and why?

What is your favorite saying and why?

Do you like reading and/or answering blog questionnaires?

I also have some more ideas for your room.
  • Buy a hanging shelf. They are usually fabric and can hang on a hanger or rod. You can store anything in these, but I like using each shelf for a different day of the week and laying my clothes in them. That saves me a lot of time in the mornings.
  • More answers- Small room, too much stuff- try using baskets and bins. You can use some storage bins to fit under your bed. Also use drawers and if a lot of it is junk, go through it.
  • Big room., not enough stuff- try displaying things instead of putting it in baskets. Bring more things out of drawers and on shelves and other storage places.

I will post more later. It is getting late now.


Monday, August 17, 2009


Hi everyone! I know it hasn't been quite a week but I have decided to announce the winner. Isabel and Hannah both entered and the winner is....
Isabel was very close also. The prize... it's not too exciting, but I will write a "commercial" for Hannah on my sidebar. Thanks for entering and visiting my blog.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Hi everyone! I just got my schedule yesterday! i only have two classes a day with my best freind! And since everyone else is doing it... I have a quiz about me for you.
Please do not look at past posts or comments.
1. How many pets do I have?
2. What state do I live in?
3. How many blogs do I have?
4. What is my favorite color?
5. What is my name?
6. Here is a hard one- About how long have I been blogging?
That's it! The prize will be a trip to Hawii. JUST KIDDING! The prize is bragging rights!
Sara :)

Monday, August 10, 2009

California Pictures

Here are the pics of CA i promised!

This a picture of my sister Maisie after we got to my Grandma's house. We LOVED her pool. I think we swam for 24 hours total! We miss our pool that we had in OK. On the very edge of the picture, you can see the spa.

Right Here

This is a picture of one of my cousins, named Rebecca. She also loves swimming and being with all of us! We were driving somewhere..... that I can't remember. We had a lot of fun.

This is a picture of my cousin, Alex. He likes playing WII, baseball, and card games. Alex is ten.

Here is a goofy pic of my cousin, Trey. Trey likes transformers, action figures, and a thing called Grey Matter.... We were eating dinner at the time.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Hi! It's me again... I just wanted to post again before I go on my trip. i'll remember to take pidtures so you can see what we did!

Dill Pickles
on Wednsday, we made dill pickles at camp! We used cucmbers, vinegar, dill, garlic, salt, and boiling water to make a HUGE jar of pickles. I thought i saw a bug at the bottom of the jar so we had to take it all out just to find out that it was a little stem! We put the jar out in the sun for three days, shaking them up every day and on Friday we served them to our parents at the picnic. I wish I had pictures but I just have a video to show you how to make your own... It's

BYE and More later!!!!


Friday, July 24, 2009

Me and my BFF started a new blog called BFFS. Check it out at

Sorry I haven't been posting much. I have been messing around in my room a lot. i have also been playing on my Nintendo DS on Animal Crossing Wild World. it is so fun and I would suggest it to anyone. I have also been writing in notebooks. Camp was fun this week because I got to be an Aide which is like a teacher but younger. It was tons of fun. In a couple of weeks i will be going to California to visit family. It will be lots of fun. School starts soon and I can't wait. I probabaly won't be this excited after the first week. Post comments about what you are doing with the rest of your summer! Have fun!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Tips for your room

Stay with a color scheme. Exmp- purple and pink
Use rugs so your eyes will be drawn towards your carpet or floor
Use baskets to sort your stuff
Keep bed made, my hardest thing to do in the morning

I found out that if I have my bed in front of the window, it's easier to get up in the morning when my alarm goes off.

Fun stuff to do

Make a memory board- Click HERE to learn how to make one
Go on a bike ride
Decorate your school stuff
Make a new recipe
I found a cool place for recipes that kids can make! Click HERE
That's it for now
More later,

Monday, July 20, 2009

Hi! Sorry, I haven't been blogging. Iv'e been a busy, busy bee too!
Here is a cool video


I have been cleaning out my room. It looks great. you can look at older posts to see some tips.

Monday, July 6, 2009


Today I got braces. They don't hurt too much but are still painful.
Tips- close your eyes while they are putting them on- it helps a lot.
I will probably have them for a year and one half to two years. That's a lot shorter than most braces.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Hey! Happy late 4th of July. I participated in a float for my school. It was really fun making the floats. My family and I are going to make watermelon shaped cookies! Anya needs to be run so,

Friday, July 3, 2009

Water fun

My BFF, sister, and I found some cool things to do on summer days.

Water balloons- fill a plastic mini pool with water. Fill up about 30-40 water balloons and CAREFULLY dump them into the pool. Don't do it too quickly because they will pop. Add a bucket of ice cubes to the pool. Now you or whoever your with can pop them as fast as you can go.

Recipe- cool drink

Buckets- fill a small bucket with cold water. Make a small group and balance this bucket on your head. Also put your hands behind your back. You can't touch the bucket even if it falls.

News- I'm getting braces on Monday and got a new bike yesterday. You can look at it HERE.
That's it for now. BYE!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Here are some more pictures that I took.

Actually, my mom took this one. Notice how i used baskets to organize things

Here is my whole room. Even though I am pretty organized, I still love posters. I even have some on the ceiling.

This is my closet. Sorry that it's sideways. Notice on the shelf I used baskets to put my pajamas in instead of leaving them on the floor.

That's it for my room

Here are my dogs.
This is Anya, the dog, and my sister. Anya has weird eyes in this pictures but they really are blue.

This is Max and my mom. Max hopped into her lap. He doesn't really fit does he?

That's all the pictures for now. More later!!!

The famous Anya

The famous Anya
Anya gives me this look every time she is annoyed. She doesn't know this but it makes her look really cute!!!

Young Anya

Young Anya
This is Anya the first day we got her. She was cute and calm.....just like now...Ha and LOL!