Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Hey guys! I have a writing project for language, and I want to see what you think of my poem. Hope you enjoy it!

A.B.C. Gum
Pink, squishy, soft and tasty
Slimy, round, sticky and pasty
Gummy, stretching and O so sweet
A.B.C. gum a delicious treat
Stuck to a dusty floor,
what a stupendous galore!
(more, too long to type HAHA)
Now, it's time to go to school,
I must save you for later, it's the rule.

If you like this, please comment because I have others to show!


1 comment:

face said...

haha nice half a poem :) lol

The famous Anya

The famous Anya
Anya gives me this look every time she is annoyed. She doesn't know this but it makes her look really cute!!!

Young Anya

Young Anya
This is Anya the first day we got her. She was cute and calm.....just like now...Ha and LOL!