Sunday, October 4, 2009

Strange Fact Sunday

Here is Strange Fact Sunday #2! Sorry I missed last week!!
#1 A man has spotted a PINK DOLPHIN!!! Click HERE too see
#2A place in Minnesota has the quietest room ever!! It measure negative 9.4 decibels!!!
#3It snows on Mars
#4There is a day dedicated to Impossible to Open Packages!!
For tsohe of you who rsed my lsat psot, you can raed tihs. tknhs for rdaenig!!!


Izzy said...

That pink dolphin is cool! And number 4!

Susan said...

I wonder how they know it snows on Mars? Interesting facts!

The famous Anya

The famous Anya
Anya gives me this look every time she is annoyed. She doesn't know this but it makes her look really cute!!!

Young Anya

Young Anya
This is Anya the first day we got her. She was cute and calm.....just like now...Ha and LOL!