Call me crazy, but I love decorating my room. I have some tips for you if you want to make your room look organized and colorful.
Your bed- arrange your pillows differently for a change. instead of laying all your pillows flat, stick them up and add some more little decorative pillows. You can also try pulling down your covers as if you were getting in to bed.
Your desk- Buy or use an organizing caddy or pencil holder. Put loose sheets of paper in folders labeled and with stickers and other colorful things. It also helps to set a time aside, maybe once a month, to make sure all of your papers and such are in the same place.
Your closet- Go through all your clothes and decide what fits you and what doesn't. If you are like me you loose half of your stuff. Once you sort through your stuff, sort the remaining clothes into two piles- spring and summer and fall and winter. Whatever season it is not, put in the back of your closet or on the top. You can also put your clothes in order of the rainbow. So next time you want to wear your blue shirt you will know exactly where it is.
Your shoes- Once again, you need to sort through all of your shoes. Then use a shelf or a rack to lay them all out. (Hint) you can stack them to use less room.
Toys, books, e.t.c- sort and put in baskets or put on a shelf.
Dresser- My dresser is probably the hardest place for me. Lately all I use my dresser for is hats, belts, swimsuits, shorts, e.t.c. DO NOT PUT JEWELERY IN YOUR DRESSER! I have lost some jewelery because I used to stuff it in my dresser. Find a place in your bathroom for it. If you don't think you can fit anything in your bathroom, I know from personal experience that you can. If you really look in your bathroom, all you will find is things like empty shampoo bottles and used soap.
Take time out of every day to clean your room. That way when your parent tells you to clean your room, you won't have to!