Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Hi everyone! I just got my schedule yesterday! i only have two classes a day with my best freind! And since everyone else is doing it... I have a quiz about me for you.
Please do not look at past posts or comments.
1. How many pets do I have?
2. What state do I live in?
3. How many blogs do I have?
4. What is my favorite color?
5. What is my name?
6. Here is a hard one- About how long have I been blogging?
That's it! The prize will be a trip to Hawii. JUST KIDDING! The prize is bragging rights!
Sara :)


Izzy said...

1. Two
2. Arizona?
3.2, BFFS and Anya's Owner
4. Blue, green, purple? (Guessing from your background)
5. Sara or Chris (I get you mixed up with Puppy Lover)
6. Ummmmmm... a long time?

Anonymous said...

Hi Sara. Thanks for visiting my blog. I like yours too. Have a nice day!

hannah m said...

I believe I've started a fad:)

1. two
2. I have no clue...
3. two
4. blue or green?
5. Sara
6. six months?

thank you for reading my blog. I like yours too!

Chris said...

1. two
2. Colorado
3. two
4. green
5. Sara
6. since June 2009

Natalie said...

Hi there! Love your dog!


Izzy said...

Sorry, I accidently hit publish post, so I had to delete it.

Susan said...

Your dog IS so cute :) Great quiz; congrats to the winner and all the participants!!

The famous Anya

The famous Anya
Anya gives me this look every time she is annoyed. She doesn't know this but it makes her look really cute!!!

Young Anya

Young Anya
This is Anya the first day we got her. She was cute and calm.....just like now...Ha and LOL!